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Anton Ismael

In Portraits on October 23, 2012 at 6:52 pm

How should I describe him? Anton as the Photographer? The Father? Or The Creative Talent who’s generous enough to let his photo studio become a regular refuge for at least 200 other photographers who are craving for shared ideas. The classes better known as ‘Kelas Pagi’ is given free to whomever are interested…

Kelas Pagi – however, as the name implies. You will have to wake up early to catch it. This naturally filters those who are really passionate about learning and sharing vs the mere followers…I’m privileged enough to have been invited to conduct one of these classes. My class is Friday morning and occasionally I will see Anton sneaks in…

What struck me with Anton is his humility and his courtesy when amongst friends. I wish I see more of these in people…When you do become his friend, I’m sure you will agree that he’s a fun friend to have, a good listener and a forward thinker…

Today I was holding my pocket camera when I passed him working with his editor and when I saw the nearby mannequin; this angle pops in my head. I wanted to show his new hairstyle after his operation.

At first I wanted to tell his photography but then again who wouldn’t know Anton Ismael already. And did you know that Anton Ismael is a certified chef & baker from Jakarta Culinary Centre?

(kelas pagi now expands to Jogja) Follow @kelaspagijkt for further information

Taken with

Lukman Sardi

In Portraits on September 22, 2012 at 12:50 pm

You’ve probably come across him on the silver screen and like me, you probably also admire that stare. A curious look often played out by his characters that may raise our own curiosity about Lukman Sardi in person.

Recently I had the privilege to share a scene on a short film with him, although brief and only one scene…(even more brief if you discount my blooper laughter 🙂 ) i had the chance to see him work in totality.. A work ethic worthy of praise…

Away from the camera Lukman Sardi is humble and full of humor… Never let a dull moment win over a set of tired crew… He always managed to keep everybody entertained with his own funny little acts and word games…

Just in the first 2 hours I understood… what a great actor he is and what a wonderful friend he is to have…

taken with Samsung Smart Camera NX Series

Melanie Sadono Djamil

In Portraits on March 15, 2012 at 10:20 am

Prof.Dr.drg.Hj. Melanie Sadono Djamil, M.Biomed. 

For me Melanie is one sample of an extraordinary woman with extraordinary passion and enthusiasm…not only because of her high academic achievements and professional accolades, but also for her seemingly never ending spirit of learning.

Watching her learn her new world of photography, I can see that it’s not only her love of art that keeps the energy but her high appreciation for God’s creations…

“Subhanallah..amazing…” these words you will hear a lot from her…Somehow I know gratitude becomes a part of her life.

When asked one of the things she’s grateful for, she replied with ” I’m grateful that at my age…I’m still allowed to indulge in learning photography”

Amazing woman indeed…

Her twitter account @168Melanie